EGEE'07 - Business Track
The Business Track at EGEE'07 comprised 7 sessions (3 plenary and 4 parallels) totaling almost 30 presentations and attended by between 30-75 participants. Many positive comments and future proposals and opportunities featured in the Opening Sessions comprising the Introduction to EGEE & Business and talks dedicated to the Business Associates and private enterprises (Philips Research) highlighting current successful joint collaboration work and new opportunities for EGEE in terms of both technical enhancements and market openings.
The second day focused on diverse vertical markets: Pharmaceuticals, Design & Engineering; Business Models and business-research collaborative projects, in addition to a cross-industry session with case studies of early gLite business adopters and from the corporate world, offering insight into potential markets to explore in the future.
The Closing Plenary evaluated some of the most commonly cited barriers to adoption and offered a set of viable solutions, both from within and outside the project. EBA NICE gave an overview of the portal tool and explained its functions and benefits, while Robert Harakaly (Focus Group giving support for commercial adoption of gLite) illustrated main barriers and approaches for overcoming them.
To read the speakers biographies, click here
Monday 1 October - Plenary Sessions
- Introduction to EGEE & Business Plenary Session (14:00 - 15:30)
- Working with EGEE and gLite Success Stories (16:00 - 17:40)
Tuesday 2 October - Parallel Sessions
- Grid & Healthcare (11:00 - 12:30)
- Grid for Design, Engineering and Product Development (11:00 - 12:30)
- Grid in Industrial Contexts and Business Models (14:00 - 15:30)
- Cross-Industry Session (14:00 - 15:30)
Tuesday 2 October - Plenary Session
- Solutions and Barriers to Grid Adoption in Business (16:00 - 17:40)