Next EGEE Conference
The next annual EGEE conference has been announced during the closing plenary. EGEE '08 will take place from 22 to 26 September 2008 in Istanbul - Turkey Hosted by TUBITAK ULAKBIM at the Grand Cevahir Hotel Convention Center.
OSCT and ISSeG Trainings at EGEE'07
1) The EGEE Operational Security Coordination Team (OSCT) is offering technical training to help the site administrators to improve the security of their Grid services and of their site.
All site administrators are welcome to attend the OSCT security training sessions on:
- Monday: 14:00 -> 15:30 (Room: Rege II)
- Thursday: 11:00 -> 12:30 (Room: Roma)
2) In addition, the Integrated Site Security for Grids (ISSeG) project is offering site security training.
The emphasis is on practical advice to link technical, administrative and training improvements. Administrators, users and managers will be able to take away some advice for their sites.
The ISSeG Site Security training sessions are linked to EGEE Operations (SA1) and are on:
- Monday: 16:00 ->17:30 (Room: Rege II)
- Thursday: 14:00 -> 15:30 (Room: Koppenhaga)
The EGEE'07 programme is now online! The daily plenaries will present world-renowned keynote speakers such as Satoshi Matsuoka (Japanese National Research Grid Initiative (NAREGI) project), Francine Berman (UC San Diego Department of Computer Science and Engineering), Wolfgang Gentzsch (Coordinator of the German D-Grid Initiative) and Francesco Calabrese (University of Naples Federico II and the Rome online project). This year the main theme is communication, and building bridges between science and business, users and infrastructures, countries, scientific disciplines and projects. EGEE'07 provides a platform to discuss connections with different community users and related projects which is reflected in the rich Related Projects track.
EGEE'07 Business Track
EGEE’s Industry Forum announces the 2nd dedicated Business Track at EGEE’07 held 1-2 October, offers 4 Plenary sessions and other 4 thematic parallel sessions concluding in an Interactive Panel Discussion to identify best practices, key issues and next steps.
A gLite Training Event will be organised in conjunction with the EGEE'07 Conference on 29 & 30 September 2007 in Budapest.
This event will interest those who are seeking to develop applications and managing jobs and advanced workloads on EGEE.
The focus is primarily on different techniques for creating, submitting and orchestrating workloads on EGEE:
- Scripting to interact with gLite and higher level services
- GANGA tool to manage jobs
- P-GRADE Portal to develop and manager workflows and parameter studies
- GridWay metascheduler to broker resources and manage jobs
To learn more on this event, please .
EGEE '07 - Late (from 1 July to 21 September)
You can register to the event for: one day; two days; full week.
A full week registration includes participation in the whole conference programme, visiting the exhibition, lunches, morning and afternoon coffee, a Welcome Cocktail and a place at the Gala-Dinner on Wednesday, 3 October.
For further information and to register please visit the registration page.
EGEE'07 - Call for Exhibition Open!
The EGEE’07 programme will feature a demo and exhibition area where businesses and Grid related projects are invited to present themselves and their particular field of interest to the Grid community, to meet and network with future partners in EGEE, other projects and international participants from scientific institutes in any different fields.
More information about the conference exhibition can be found in the exhibition prospectus.
EGEE has partnered with , the world's leading source of news, information and events covering the evolving Grid ecosystem, to offer all EGEE'07 participants a complimentary 1-year subscription to .
Subscription to Grid Today can be performed on-line during the registration phase.