Consortium Area

You are here: Consortium area > Timesheets > 


All individuals from partners who are signatory to the EGEE contract working on the project are required to fill in timesheets. These will be used to track the progress of the project on a monthly basis.


Please connect to the , and fill in your own personal timesheet information.

A for the PPT end users (individuals and supervisors) explains the basic principles of the timesheet filling, submission and validation.

You can also consult the section for using the tool.

Of course, are still available.


Each individual must fill in his/her timesheet for the past month by the 2nd of the following month.

The supervisors can fill in the timesheets for their staff if necessary.

To access the PPT tool, you must be registered at CERN and have an AIS or CERN Nice account. Please go to the EGEE registration pages.

Hope you will enjoy filling in the timesheets!