Consortium Area

You are here: Consortium area > Procedures > Registration procedures > 

First registration for EGEE-III members

The forms below should be filled in by anyone working in the EGEE-III project:

A) For people who come to CERN less than three times a year and will never stay more than two consecutive days : External collaborator.

A temporary CERN badge access (2 days max) will be delivered, upon request to the Project Office, at each visit (available at the reception desk building 33).

B) For people who come to CERN on a regular basis or for extended periods of time to attend EGEE meetings: UPAS member.

Within this contract, people will be granted a long term badge access (12 months).

Registration renewal

In order to avoid the cancellation of your CERN computer accounts,you must renew your contract :

1) You were registered as an EXTERN (or other) (EGEE-II External collaborators are not concerned, their contract is still valid):

2) You had a UPAS CONTRACT

Leaving the project:


For any EGEE member leaving the project, the Activity Supervisor should inform the EGEE PO by sending an email to project-eu-egee-registration(at)