Consortium Area

Dealing with the media

Dear Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Members,

We realize that working with members of the media – whether they be EGEE-employed disseminators or independent journalists – can be a nerve-wracking exercise. It doesn't need to be.

Working with journalists is a great way to share your work with the public and with funding agencies. With a little training and preparation, your interview can be productive for both you and the reporter. We hope you will find the following notes useful when sharing your work with reporters. (We especially recommend filling out a "message box".)


EGEE Dissemination Team


I. Working with journalists: how to promote your success stories to the media

At EGEE's conference in Istanbul in September 2008, NA2 held a special session titled "Working with journalists: how to promote your success stories to the media." Natasha Loder, and Technology Correspondent at The Economist since September 2000, presented her insights on how scientists can improve their media savvy. Her presentation is also . 


II. How to deal with the media: maximising opportunity and minimising threat Special CERN Seminar

An interactive presentation given by Jessica Pryce-Jones, Managing Director of the consultancy iOpener Ltd, and by Nisha Pillai, news anchor for BBC World. This session covers how to work effectively with the media including print, radio and TV. You'll get an insight into how journalists and news rooms operate and what they would like from you.


III. From science abstract to international news story 

Notes from an NA2 session at EGEE's conference in Barcelona, September 2009. This session presented scientific media coverage from three viewpoints: researcher, press officer and journalist. A journalist from New Scientist magazine was on hand, the session generated lots of discussion and gave real insight into how to make science research into the news.