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The Grid 2006 Conference, which features keynote talks, panel, peer reviewed papers presentations, and posters, serves as both the premier conference presenting best Grid research and a forum where new concepts can be introduced and explored. This year the Conference will be co-located with the 2006 Cluster conference.
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Information Sheets
EGEE sites
GILDA (Grid INFN Laboratory for Dissemination Activities) was developed as part of the Italian and the EGEE project.
GILDA consists of the following elements:
- The GILDA testbed is a series of sites and services (Resource Broker, Information Index, Replica Location Server, Monitoring Tool, Computing Elements and Storage Elements) spread across Italy and the rest of the world on which the lastest version of both the (which is fully compatible with the ) and the are installed.
- The Grid Demonstrator is a customised version of the full GENIUS web portal, jointly developed by and . Anyone can submit a pre-defined set of applications to the . It is also possible to view the .
- The GILDA Certification Authority (CA) is a fully functional Certification Authority which issues 14 days X.509 certificates to anybody wanting to experience Grid computing on the GILDA testbed. The grid can be used only if the user has a issued by a CA.
- The GILDA Virtual Organisation (VO) gathers all the people wanting to experience Grid computing on the Gilda testbed. In order to subscribe to the GILDA VO users have to have a in their web browser. Just accept the certificate when asked.
- The is based on the full version of the web portal.
- The monitoring system is a versatile monitoring system completely based on GridICE, the Grid monitoring tool developed by INFN. Visit for more information.
For more information about GILDA, please subscribe to
For technical queries, please send a message to .
GILDA Documentation
Basic manuals
GENIUS Guide []
GILDA Overview []
Specific topics
GENIUS and its features [] []
Job submission by GUI [] []
Job submission by CLI [] []
Data management using GUI [] []
Data management using CLI [] []
GENIUS & EnginFrame company [] []