EGEE Discussion Forum



The EGEE-II Project is organised into ten "activities", which come under three main areas:

  • Networking Activities (NA) are the management and coordination of all the communication aspects of the project
  • Service Activities (SA) are the support, operation and management of the Grid as well as the provision of network resources
  • Research Activities (JRA) concentrate on Grid research and development

Information sheets and descriptions of the various activities are available for download in many languages.

EGEE Networking Activities (NA)

The Networking Activities are divided into five different areas:

Activity Name
Activity Description
 NA1:Networking Activity 1
Overall management of the project.
 NA2:Networking Activity 2
Information Dissemination and Outreach and includes tasks such as running the external website, organising conferences and managing the distribution of publications.
 NA3:Networking Activity 3
User Training and Induction and includes tasks such as organising on-site training and producing training and course material.
 NA4:Networking Activity 4
Application Identification and Support and includes tasks such as supporting applications and identifying new users.
 NA5:Networking Activity 5
Policy and International Cooperation and includes tasks such as liaising with parties interested in the EGEE project on an international level.

EGEE Service Activities (SA)

 Service Activities which are divided into two different areas:

Activity Name                             
Activity Description
SA1:Service Activity 1
European Grid Support, Operation and Management and includes tasks such as grid monitoring and control and resource and user support. (For further information, visit also the Security section)
 SA2:Service Activity 2
Networking support and includes tasks such as policies and service level agreements.
 SA3:Service Activity 3
Integration, testing and certification. The goal of the SA3 activity is to manage the process of building deployable and documented middleware distributions, starting by integrating middleware packages and components from a variety of sources. (For further information, visit also the Security section)

EGEE Joint Research Activities (JRA)

Joint Research Activities which are divided into four different areas:

Activity Name Activity Description
JRA1:Joint Research Activity 1
Middleware Re-engineering and includes tasks such as re-engineering existing middleware, integrating middleware, testing and validation. (For further information, visit also the Security section)
JRA2:Joint Research Activity 2
Quality Assurance and includes tasks such as ensuring that processes, products and operation services conform to project requirements, standards and procedures.

EGEE Info Pack

Donwload the - Learn more about the project, our activites and how to get involved. For more information visit the Information Sheets section

A list of contacts for the EGEE Activities can be found on the technical webpages, and a list of boards and committees can be found .

Internal events
EGEE partners can find the internal events calendar .

Latest News

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world. Finding the Higgs boson; saving lives; addressing the energy problem; feeding the planet - the grid is swiftly becoming one of the extraordinary tools scientists use everyday. This month sees the start of the third phase of the project, EGEE-III, which is revolutionising the way data is analysed, stored and shared.

... Read more

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Information Sheets

Click here for all the EGEE Information Sheets.

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