Related Projects
eInfrastructure Projects
The goal of the BalticGrid project is to extend the European Grid by integrating new partners from the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) in the European Grid research community and to foster the development of Grid infrastructure in these countries.
aims to support a Pilot e-Infrastructure between Europe and Latin America, with a clear emphasis on dissemination activities and integration between Latin-American Grid initiatives and European counterparts.
aims to setup an italian GRID infrastructure for finance and economic research.
aims to facilitate scientific data transfer and processing in a first sample of application areas that have already strong collaborations between Europe and China.
aims to set up in the Mediterranean a Grid infrastructure for Research, which can become part of EGEE and be integrated with analogous initiatives in the Balkans, North Europe, Latin America and Far-East Asia.
The goal of the project is to deploying and operate an interoperable production-level e-Infrastructure for demanding interactive applications that will impact the daily work of researchers.
aims to further advance and integrate the existing SEE Grid infrastructure and services, capitalize on the existing SEE-GRID human network to further strengthen scientific collaboration and cooperation among participating SEE communities, and ultimately achieve sustainability for regional and national eInfrastructures that will endure beyond the project’s lifetime.
Support Projects
aims to promote the development and exploitation of eInfrastructures worldwide. It helps knowledge exchange between industry and research, users and providers. BELIEF through online tools and events helps expand visions of future eInfrastructure landscapes and provide a knowledge platform to realise them.
The objectives of the DEGREE project are: bridge the Earth Science and Grid communities throughout Europe; ensure that Earth Science requirements are satisfied in next Grid technology; disseminate and promote uptake of Grid in wider Earth Science community.
aims to improve the quality of Grid and distributed software by offering a practical quality assurance process to software projects, based on a build and test service.
- is funded by the European Commission, Research Infrastructure Unit, and is the first European and Indian Grid-focused project. EU-IndiaGrid supports interconnectivity between the European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructures, Garuda India Grid and Department of Atomic Energy Grid, to build a common infrastructure to support data processing for e-Science application areas, with a particular focus on Biology, High Energy & Condensed Matter Physics and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
aims to improve the quality of Grid and distributed software by offering a practical quality assurance process to software projects, based on a build and test service.
aims to contribute to the consolidation of the European Grid infrastructure in the field of computer security by creating and disseminating practical expertise on the deployment of Integrated Site Security, as a complementary action to EGEE Grid Security.
has the vision to harvest open-source, WebServices-based, Grid software from across Europe and to supply these key grid services in a form that will allow them to interoperate across heterogeneous infrastructures, in particular EGEE, UNICORE and Globus.
aims to provide software and support to enable a sustained future for the UK e-Science community and its international collaborators. Through our website we provide mechanisms for you to share information about the software you have found useful to support your e-Science work, and share the software that you have produced during your e-Science activities.
Application projects
will address the risk awareness and consideration in SLA negotiation, self-organising fault-tolerant actions, and capacity planning. It will develop and integrate methods for risk assessment and management in all Grid layers.
aims to connect many European computer centres in order to carry out Bioinformatics research and to develop new applications in the sector using a network of services based on futuristic Grid networking technology that represents the natural evolution of the Web.
aims to foster the adoption of the so-called Next Generation Grid technologies by the realization of several business experiments and the creation of a toolset repository of Grid middleware upper layers.
aims to bridge the gap between Grid and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) communities, making Civil Protection people aware of the services provided by Grid infrastructures, and, at the same time, letting Grid researchers know about Civil Protection's specific requirements and service enhancement needs.
creates an advanced test-bed that will allow virtual e-Science communities to share knowledge and collaborate in a secure, coordinated, dynamic and cost-effective way by integrating grid and digital library technologies.
At present, online games run in static way that is dependant upon tight coupling of computer resources that are not flexible to strong fluctuations in the number of players. Users are very sensitive to interrupted game play, affecting their decision to play and ultimately their decision to purchase. Edutain@Grid seeks to meet these challenges through development of a Grid-based framework allowing responsive and interactive applications to exploit technology that has previously been applied to “big science”.
aims to build an integrated workbench framework to access the power of existing Grid infrastructures. The framework will be built on top of the reliable eco-system of the Eclipse community to enable a sustainable development. The framework will provide tools to customize Grid users' applications, to manage Grid resources and to support the development cycle of new Grid applications.
Recent developments in Grid technologies have concentrated on providing batch access to distributed computational and storage resources. GRIDCC will extend this to include access to and control of distributed instrumentation.
is an integrated platform for European paediatrics based on a grid-enabled network of leading clinical centres.
project aspires to improve and extend the existing state-of-the-art technology found in the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware, which provides a set of reliable, robust, non-intrusive, well-tested core services. KnowARC aims to significantly increase awareness and usage of such next generation ARC middleware.
Latest News
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world. Finding the Higgs boson; saving lives; addressing the energy problem; feeding the planet - the grid is swiftly becoming one of the extraordinary tools scientists use everyday. This month sees the start of the third phase of the project, EGEE-III, which is revolutionising the way data is analysed, stored and shared. ... Read more
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