EGEE Discussion Forum

Home > Member profiles

Register with the community

Through the EGEE portal Registered Community Members have free access to a series of online tools that allow you to search and get in touch with other EGEE Community Members. Remember you can also create your own detailed profile, including your current work, your organisation, your background even upload your photo!

  • Personalise and update your EGEE member profile
  • Showcase your organisation's experience and expertise in Grid
  • View other member profiles and contact them on areas of mutual interest
  • Contribute to the EGEE discussion boards and post your comments or requests of advice
  • Register to attend EGEE Industry Days
  • Download EGEE Industry Day Reports and Presentations
  • Download related EGEE materials and documentation
  • Receive updates on the project in our newsletters
EGEE COMMUNITY MEMBER Personal Information
This is necessary in case the password is lost. We respect your privacy and will not give the address to any third parties or expose it anywhere.
Upload your photograph

EGEE PROJECT Relative Information

The following information will be used to setup your user profile within the EGEE Portal to help you get the most out of the EGEE Portal functionality. Remember you can change your user profile information any time by simply logging in and making the necessary modifications.

Please indicate your organisation type, (CTRL and click for multiple choice)
please choose one
Joining the Industry Forum (IF) is for Community Members who would like more information on and/or become more involved in EGEE's Programme for Industry. IF members are able to receive:
  • IF quarterly newsletter and special editions (through IF mailing list);
  • Opportunity to engage with a large community of business experts, the Industry Forum Steering Committee and its focus groups (Standards, SMEs)
  • Receive specific information and developments on EGEE and Industry
  • Learn more about the benefits and barriers of Grid adoption in Industry
Please indicate your Grid Areas of Interest, (CTRL and click for multiple choice)
Please indicate the Community Type\Background (CTRL and click for multiple choice)

You may also provide a description of you and your organisation's activity domain (max 700 characters)
Information provided here will help you promote your current Grid interest covering areas such as Enterprise, Research, EGEE-II, Related project collaborations, etc (max 700 characters)
As an EGEE community member you may promote your future work and explore co-operation activities with other members (max 700 characters)

User Account Details

Please select a login and a password. Access to the EGEE portal area will only be granted after validation of your registration. Login must have a minimum length of 4 and a maximum of 10 characters.

Enter a user name, usually something like 'jsmith'. No spaces or special characters. User names and passwords are case sensitive, make sure the capslock key is not enabled. This is the name used to log in.
Minimum 5 characters
Re-enter the password. Make sure the passwords are identical.

Please read the Terms & Conditions


Latest News

Submissions to the 9th IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing—Grid 2008—to be held 29 September to 1 October 2008 in Tsukuba, Japan, are due 19 April 2008.

... Read more

Technical sites

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Become a User

Want to become a user of the EGEE Grid? Click here

Related Projects

If your project is related to EGEE, please register it

Information Sheets

Click here for all the EGEE Information Sheets.

Contact EGEE

Get in touch with the EGEE Project Office at .
If you have questions about the Website contact: .
Please remove NOSPAM from the email address.