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The Grid 2006 Conference, which features keynote talks, panel, peer reviewed papers presentations, and posters, serves as both the premier conference presenting best Grid research and a forum where new concepts can be introduced and explored. This year the Conference will be co-located with the 2006 Cluster conference.
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First Belief Conference,New Delhi, India, 13-15 December 2006
The event will be a unique networking and platforming opportunity for stakeholders of grid and eInfrastructures worldwide to understand the dynamic eInfrastructure ecosystem of India, and its connectivity with Europe. The event will showcase current achievements and analyse future visions and trends for developing and exploiting eInfrastructures in these regions.
The event will bring together multidisciplinary participants from business, research and government; and potential and current users and providers of eInfrastructures. Together the conference participants will share visions and knowledge to understand how to better develop and exploit the eInfrastructures between Europe and India for creating innovation and economic growth and safer, prosperous societies.