Home > EGEE EVENTS > DEISA Symposium May 4-5, 2006 Bologna, ITALY

DEISA Symposium May 4-5, 2006 Bologna, ITALY

What Workshop
When 04/05/2006 to
Where Bologna, ITALY
Attendees Confirmed speakers for the strategic and technical part of the Symposium:, K. Baxevanidis, European Commission, N. Geddes, EGEE project, W. Brooks, National Aeronautics snd Space Administration, US. M. Levine, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Centre, US, H. Wolkersdorfer, Forschungzentrum Jülich
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Perspectives in High Performance Computing

This Symposium is part of a series that will take place every year in April - May in different locations in Europe. The purpose is to maintain an annual DEISA event dedicated to the discussion of the scientific and strategic challenges in the area of High Performance Computing, and to assess the impact of the DEISA research infrastructure on computational science in Europe. For logistic reasons, participants are requested to register, but there will be no registration fee. The registration will close on April 23, 2006.