Home > News > First EELA Conference, Santiago, Chile, 4-7 September 2006

First EELA Conference, Santiago, Chile, 4-7 September 2006

EELA (E-Infrastructure between Europe and Latin America) Announces the 1st EELA Conference and the 5th Tutorial for Grid Users in conjunction with the 1st National e-Science Congress, Santiago, Chile

The 1st EELA Conference will take place at the Technical University Federico Santa Maria (UTFSM), Santiago City, capital of Chile on 4-5 September 2006.
This key international event is organised by EELA with the support of CLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks), REUNA (National University Network, Chile), UTFSM, and UDEC (Concepcion), which are all members of EELA.
The EELA Conference will centre on four thematic areas, addressed in the different sessions: Collaboration with other Grid Projects, Status of EELA Activities, Grid Communities and Applications, and Status of RedCLARA and Perspectives for the Future.

The 5th EELA Tutorial for Grid Users will take place after the Conference, on 6-7 September 2006, in conjunction with the 1st National e-Science Congress (organised by REUNA). The EELA Tutorial for Grid Users will be held at the REUNA Building, Santiago.

These two events will bring together professionals involved in the EELA Project reaching out to communities of researchers operating in the region and bringing them in contact with current users of its e-infrastructure. New communities and their respective countries will learn about the benefits of using Grid technology, thus helping to bridge the digital divide.
The 1ST EELA Conference provides the perfect backdrop for EELA Project participants and developers of Grid initiatives in both Europe and Latin America to discuss future perspectives and collaboration.

The 1st National e-Science Congress takes place on 6-7 September 2006 at the NH Hotel in Santiago, Chile. This event provides an ideal opportunity for the national and Latin American scientific community to share experiences and knowledge resulting from a strategic approach to e-science based on the incorporation of national Grid infrastructure.

Download the press release in Spanish and the press release in English: