Home > EGEE EVENTS > GridNets 2006, 1-2 Oct 2006 San Jose, California

GridNets 2006, 1-2 Oct 2006 San Jose, California

What Workshop
When 01/10/2006 to
Where San Jose, California, US
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The GridNets 2006 workshop will focus on research issues and challenges as well as lessons learned from experience. Topics of interest include and are not limited to:<br /><br />    * New concepts and requirements to shape the design of eScience and Research Networks<br />    * Integration of advanced optical networking technologies and architectures (OPS, OBS) for the Grid environment<br />    * Coordination of network resources with other Grid resources (CPU, Storage)<br />    * Layer interactions: optical layer with higher layer protocols<br />    * Grid advanced resource reservation<br />    * Self-healing Grid networks<br />    * Traffic characteristics and performance analysis<br />    * New architectures and technologies that address Grid requirements<br />    * Experience on production-level optical network infrastructures<br />    * Middleware design and grid layer integration issues for accessing and managing network resources<br />    * Routing and scheduling for dynamic bandwidth control<br />    * Monitoring, provisioning, brokering of network resources<br />    * New multi-service frameworks and models<br />    * End-to-end application level control of network resource<br />    * Peer-to-peer approach for Grid networks<br />    * Network support for wireless Grids<br />    * Novel data transport protocols designed for new application services<br />    * Data replication and multicasting strategies and protocols<br />    * Fault-tolerance, protection, security, and scalability issues related to connecting large number of sites<br />    * Network cost, performance, and incentive issues<br />    * Grid network simulation<br />    * Identification of Grid peculiarities that network mechanisms can build upon<br /><br />Important Dates:<br /><br />Paper Submission Deadline: May 26 June 7, 2006, Midnight CET<br />Paper Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2006<br />Final paper submission: July 31, 2006