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EC Policy Initiatives
  • The role of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is to support a coherent approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe, and to act as an incubator for international negotiations about concrete initiatives. ESFRI prepared a European Roadmap for new research infrastructures of pan-European interest, download it here
  • The eInfrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) Meeting coordinates on a high European level the introduction of a (grid based) infrastructure for e-Science. The main objective of the eIRG is to support on the political, advisory and monitoring level, the creation of a policy and administrative framework for the easy and cost-effective shared use of electronic resources in Europe (focusing on Grid-computing, data storage, and networking resources) across technological, administrative and national domains. Download here the e-IRG Report.
  • project is developing a GRID platform to support and stimulate further exchanges of both clinic and genetic information, with a particular focus on breast cancer treatment. ACGT hopes to trigger the emergence of latent clinico-genomic synergies to ensure faster diagnosis more efficient therapy
  • is aiming to radically advance the pervasiveness of Grid computing across Europe. To achieve this goal, in addition to embracing layers and technologies which are supposed to make up the so-called Next Generation Grids (e.g. knowledge-related and semantics-driven Web services), Akogrimo will architect and prototype a blueprint of an NGG which exploits and closely co-operates with evolving mobile Internet infrastructures based on IPv6.
  • will provide an IT infrastructure for the management, integration and processing of data associated with the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral aneurysm and subarachnoid haemorrage.
  • using Grid concepts aims to improve the real-time access capabilities of European research groups working with the data produced by the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina for measuring the flux of primary cosmic rays
  • Network of Excellence is a groundbreaking project that integrates key elements of European research to enable Europe to become a world leader in eHealth. The Grand Vision is to develop a pan-European,coherent and intelligent analysis of a citizen’s bioprofile; to make the analysis of this bioprofile remotely accessible to patients and clinicians; and to exploit bioprofile to combat major diseases such as cancer and brain diseases.
  • will produce technical innovations designed to allow for (a) rapid and dependable data placement within a distributed high-performance environment and (b) the convenient construction of scalable science services that provide for the reliable and high-performance processing of computation and data analysis requests from many remote clients. CEDPS will also address the important problem of troubleshooting these and other related ultra-high-performance distributed activities from the perspective of both performance and functionality
  • Network of Excellence (NoE) aims at strengthening and advancing scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies. To achieve this objective, the Network brings together a critical mass of well-established researchers (119 permanent researchers and 165 PhD students) from forty-two institutions who have constructed an ambitious joint programme of activities. This joint programme of activity is structured around six complementary research areas that have been selected on the basis of their strategic importance, their research challenges and the recognised European expertise to develop next generation Grid middleware.
  • was the predecessor to the EGEE project. It was one of the first projects that aimed to enable intensive computation and analysis of shared large-scale databases holding millions of gigabytes of data, across widely distributed scientific communities. It enabled next generation scientific exploration and data processing capabilities that we know today as The Grid.
  • or 'The Data Mining Tools and Services for Grid Computing Environments' project is a shared cost Strategic Targeted Research Project (STREP) granted by the European Commission. It is part of the Sixth Framework Programme of the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST).
  • The purpose of this FP6 funded research infrastructure is to enable scientific discovery across a broad spectrum of science and technology, by enhancing and reinforcing European capabilities in the area of high performance computing.
  • is a joint collaboration between ten international partners with the intention to create a knowledge base of European research. DRIVER will put a test-bed in place across Europe to assist the development of a knowledge infrastructure for the European Research Area. The project will develop over the next 18 months, building upon existing institutional repositories and networks, from countries including the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium and the UK.
  • is the platform for Grid Computing and Technology in the Netherlands.
  • the objective of EMBRACE is to draw together a wide group of experts throughout Europe who are involved in the use of information technology in the biomolecular sciences. The EMBRACE Network of Excellence will optimise informatics and information exploitation by pure and applied biological scientists in both the academic and commercial sectors.
  • is your entrance to Grid Computing and High-Performance Computing (HPC), including distributed computing, peer-to-peer-computing and parallel computing. They provide a comprehensive range of services including the largest directory on Grid computing in the world, Grid computing and analysis and the largest Grid computing and HPCN news source in the world: Primeur magazine.
  • aims to create a distributed large scale astronomical instrument by connecting the largest and most sensitive radio telescopes on the planet via a high speed network
  • continues and improves both the functionality and services of the GÉANT network, i.e., solutions to support end-to-end services, Grid compliance, Quality of Service, seamless access, mobility and security
  • is a meeting place for thousands of individuals from both industry and research, where global standardisation for Grid computing is discussed. GGF's primary objective is to support the development, deployment, and implementation of various Grid technologies and applications. It will also develop 'best practice' guidlines and documentation for technical specifications, user experience and implementation.
  • is the homepage of the Globus Alliance and their toolkit.
  • aims at capitalizing on large European investments made in research infrastructures by giving the tools to all user communities to test IPv6 protocol based solutions thus increasing their level of knowledge, trust and confidence in new generation technologies
  •  is designed to foster collaboration in Grid research and technologies between the European Union and Asian countries with a particular focus on China and South Korea.
  • is a great starting point if you want to know more about Grid Computing. It gives an overview of the Grid, its history, uses and potential.
  • is another good 'overview' site which has lots of links to other Grid related resources.
  • is a good place to keep abreast of what's happening generally in the world of Grid Computing, with news articles, discussion and reports.
  • a Grid related portal with lots of information about Grid technologies and downloads available of the latest software etc.
  • is a US based page dedicated to the overview and development of Grid computing throughout the world.
  • community gathers individuals from the public and private domain world-wide who are actively exploring the beneficial impact of healthgrid technology on healthcare provision and research.
  • Intelligent Framework for Generating Open (Adaptable) Development Platforms for Web - Service Enabled Applications Using Semantic Web Technologies, Distributed Decisions Support Units and Multi - Agent - Systems. It is an EU project, involving leading authorities on Semantic Web Technologies to develop an application-oriented software toolset for creating, maintaining and executing open and extensible development platforms for Semantic Web services.
  • aims to strengthen the Euromediterranean community of researchers in molecular and clinical research into thalassaemia and related haemoglobinopathies and to enhance its scientific potential using the existing and emerging tools of ERA (GÉANT2, Grids)
  • is the latest project at CERN in Switzerland, the new Particle Accelerator being built to find the 'Higgs Boson' and expand other areas of Physics by producing conditions previously impossible to simulate through the use of Grid Technology.
  • 's mission is to build and maintain a data storage and analysis infrastructure for the entire high energy physics community that will use the LHC.
  • is a pilot European infrastructure for accurate Internet traffic monitoring. Based on passive monitoring, and capitalising on previous experience, the LOBSTER infrastructure is unique in Europe and one of only three similar infrastructures that exist in the world today.
  • aims to exploit the growing interest in Grid technology, with an emphasis on the Information Grid, and provide middleware layers that make it appropriate for the immediate needs of bioinformatics.
  • 's main objective is to research and develop grid middleware according to global standards to a level that can support practical operation, so that a large-scale computing environment (the Science Grid) can be implemented for widely-distributed, advanced research and education.
  • aims to stimulate and sustain the development of e-Science in the UK, to contribute significantly to its international development and to ensure that its techniques are rapidly propagated to commerce and industry.
  • aims to provide a unified view for European research in Services Architectures and Software Infrastructures that will define technologies, strategies and deployment policies fostering new, open, industrial solutions and societal applications that enhance the safety, security and well-being of citizens.
  • 's vision is an architecture for Next Generation Grids which will enable their widespread use by research, industry and the ordinary citizen thus creating a dynamic marketplace for new services and products
  • aims to provide connectivity to GÉANT2 from National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) of the 8 Newly Independent States of the Caucasus and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), and Afghanistan
  • is a US Grid computing infrastructure that supports scientific computing via an open collaboration of science researchers, software developers and computing, storage and network providers.
  • implements a direct connection between GÉANT2 and the Chinese research networks CERNET and CSTNET to support a wide range of scientific co-operations between Europe and China
  • is an internet front-end database developed by CERN, which enables searching, communication and collaboration between various projects in the field of Nuclear Research.
  • Study aims at stimulation and consolidation of initiatives to ensure the successful dark-fiber based research network deployment in the Eastern Europe, Baltic States and Southern Caucasus regions
  • provides an architecture which integrates instrumentations with eInfrastructure: encompasses the current state of art, near future technology, conceptual design of missing architectural ‘pieces’,supported by Grid environment
  • creates the next generation of the southeast European segment of GÉANT2 that intends to make leading-edge technologies and services available to the entire R&E communities on the Balkans
  • defines a comprehensive and detailed European R&D roadmap, covering both technology and policy aspects, to guide and promote beneficial EU-wide uptake of HealthGrid technologies and applications into health research, and into health care service provision.
  • 's objectives are: to test and enhance data grid technology for product development and production process design, to develop federated versions of problem-solving environments by leveraging enhanced grid services, to exploit data grids as a basis for distributed knowledge discovery, to promote de facto standards for these enhanced grid technologies across a range of disciplines and sectors as well as to raise awareness for the advantages of data grids in important industrial sectors.
  • is an open scientific discovery infrastructure combining leadership class resources at nine partner sites to create an integrated, persistent computational resource.
  • project develops a grid service infrastructure based on the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) and on the UNICORE grid software initially developed in the German UNICORE and UNICORE Plus projects and extended in the EU funded EUROGRID and GRIP projects. UniGrids will develop translation mechanisms, such as resource ontologies, to interoperate with other OGSA compliant systems. At the same time UniGrids will target grid economics by developing a SLA framework and cross-grid brokering services. The project developments will be proven in scientific and industrial domains, namely biomolecular and computational biology, energy, geophysical depth imaging by oil companies and reactor safety.

Latest News

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world. Finding the Higgs boson; saving lives; addressing the energy problem; feeding the planet - the grid is swiftly becoming one of the extraordinary tools scientists use everyday. This month sees the start of the third phase of the project, EGEE-III, which is revolutionising the way data is analysed, stored and shared.

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