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Past Events

Past events are listed below
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Bringing High Throughput Stateful Applications to the Grid, 26 November 2006, Hertzelia
(IGT Offices, Maskit 4, Hertzelia, from 26/11/2006 to 26/11/2006)


Joint EGEE-EELA Industry Day: 1 March 2007 - Madrid, Spain EGEE will be participating at this event
(Madrid, Spain, from 01/03/2007 to 01/03/2007)


30th Jubilee International Convention (MIPRO)
(Grand Hotel Adriatic Convention Centre and Hotel Admiral, Opatija, Croatia, from 21/05/2007 to 25/05/2007)


Cyprus Grid Day
(Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Nicosia, from 21/01/2008 to 22/01/2008)


International Winter School on Grid Computing 2008
(, from 06/02/2008 to 05/03/2008)

Future Grid Computing for Financial Services 2007
(Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom, from 24/04/2007 to 25/04/2007)


BioVision 2007
(Lyon, France, from 11/03/2007 to 15/03/2007)


7th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2007)
(Como, Italy, from 16/07/2007 to 20/07/2007)


4th EELA Workshop, 5 March 2007, Bogotà, Colombia EGEE will be participating at this event
(Bogotà, Colombia, from 05/03/2007 to 05/03/2007)


1st Biomed Grid School
(Villa Monastero, Varenna (Milan), Italy, from 14/05/2007 to 19/05/2007)


Interoperability testing on the Grid using OMII-Europe components and ETICS tools
(Manchester, United Kingdom, from 12/05/2007 to 12/05/2007)


EGEE Industry Day, 24 November 2006 Helsinki, Finland EGEE will be participating at this event
(CSC, the Finnish IT centre for science, Keilaranta 14, Keilaniemi, Espoo, Helsinki, Finland, from 24/11/2006 to 24/11/2006)


2nd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Autonomic Grid Networking and Management
(Dublin, Ireland, from 26/10/2006 to 27/10/2006)


Application Developers Course EGEE will be participating at this event
(CERN, Switzerland, from 23/09/2006 to 23/09/2006)


Training the Trainers EGEE will be participating at this event
(CERN, Switzerland, from 24/09/2006 to 24/09/2006)


EGEE Industry Day, 12 July 2006 Ischia, Italy EGEE will be participating at this event
(Jolly Hotel, Ischia, ITALY, from 12/07/2006 to 12/07/2006)


Platform European Grid Conference, Paris, 23-24 October 2006
(Paris, France, from 23/10/2006 to 24/10/2006)


International ICFA Workshop on Grid Activities
(Sinaia, Romania, from 13/10/2006 to 18/10/2006)


Industry Day, 12 July 2006 Ischia, Italy EGEE will be participating at this event
(Ischia, Italy, from 12/07/2006 to 12/07/2006)

The EGEE Industry Day will be held on the afternoon of 12 July 2006 in conjunction with the International Summer School on Grid computing, which is taking place in Ischia, Italy (near Naples), from Sunday 9 to Friday 21 July 2006. Experts will offer a snapshot overview on how to build large computing and data grids by exploiting EGEE technology. This, coupled with a practical guide on the use & development of Grid technology within an Industry environment will compliment the teachings going on during the summer school.

BELIEF Brainstorming 11-12 April 2006, Linz, Austria
(Linz, Austria, from 11/04/2006 to 12/04/2006)


e-IRG Workshop - Linz, Austria EGEE will be participating at this event
(Linz, Austria, from 10/04/2006 to 11/04/2006)


IPDPS 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece
(Rhodes Island, Greece, from 25/04/2006 to 29/04/2006)

International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006)

TERENA NREN-Grids 27 - 28 April 2006 Workshop
(Paris, France, from 27/04/2006 to 28/04/2006)


DEISA Symposium May 4-5, 2006 Bologna, ITALY
(Bologna, ITALY, from 04/05/2006 to 05/05/2006)


GPC, 3-5 May 2006, Taiwan
(Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 03/05/2006 to 05/05/2006)

The International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing

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