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Member Profile: Woods90

Holsinger Sy
Title: Mr.
Firstname: Sy Surname: Holsinger
Organization: Trust-IT Services Ltd. Function: Project Manager
City: Pisa Country: Italy

Type of Organization:
  • SME

Organisation Profile :
Trust-IT Services was established in the year 2002 to design and deliver communication platforms for the ICT industry. Trust-IT is made up of a multinational team which boast a well-balanced mix of project management, communication, promotion & dissemination experience, business developments, networking skills and IT expertise, the strives to exploit opportunities among user/provider communities from industry, research and academia. By means of a variety of advanced tools and methodologies, the Trust-IT team develops communication packages, supports promotion and dissemination activities, performs branding and marketing studies, designs and executes training programmes, organises & manages events, and raises awareness on promoting Research, Technology Development achievements internationally. Trust-IT also strategically focuses on supporting the creation of new IT alliances between Europe and the developing countries, with particular reference to India, Russia, Latin America, China and South-East Asia. Trust-It Services Ltd distinguishes itself in providing innovative, communication platforms for hi-end multicultural audiences, both from the industry research and academia. Representatives have over eleven years, hands-on experience in the management of European and national projects, it is expert in the logistics, site management and content population, evaluation & follow-up for successful industry based workshops, especially in Grid vertical markets through its ICT databases (categorised) for definition of speaker & delegates. Trust-IT Services believes it is able to offer added-value on developing & creating specific messaging to target the right industry in the Grid sectors. Trust-IT Services contributes to the strategic planning, marketing, dissemination and general organisation of the international events globally. Risks and contingencies are analysed and targeted and the promotional material will be produced for effective targeting messages to a range of academia and research and industrial participants. It focuses on site & logistics management, producing content, dissemination material, recruit participants, speakers and actively promote the conferences.
Your current Grid Activity Profile :
Trust-IT representatives are the technical coordinators of the OGF-EUROPE project which looks to mobilise communities in global grid adoption. They are partners in the Euro-India ICT co-operation initiative, are partners in the EU funded project RESERVOIR,(Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers), EGEE-II & EGEE-III, (Enabling Grids for e-Sceince) have recently been involved in the EchoGrid Project (http://echogrid.ercim.org/) whose aim is to foster collaboration in Grid research and technologies between Europe and China by defining short, mid, and long-term vision in the field.
How do you see your organisation organisation working with Grid in the future? :
We would like to develop stronger relations with new user communities from Financial, Bioinformatics, Automotive/Aerospace, Media, Telecommunications, Pharma, Energy and SME sectors to exchange knowledge on successful grid adoption case stories.
Area of Application:
  • Automotive/Aeronautical
  • Bio-informatics
  • Earth Science & Geology
  • Finance Services
  • Government & Public Administration
  • Health
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Medicine & Biology
  • Petroleum
  • Telecomunications

Latest News

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world. Finding the Higgs boson; saving lives; addressing the energy problem; feeding the planet - the grid is swiftly becoming one of the extraordinary tools scientists use everyday. This month sees the start of the third phase of the project, EGEE-III, which is revolutionising the way data is analysed, stored and shared.

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