What are the benefits of joining EGEE?
Exponential Growth
The EGEE Grid aims to become the principle Grid infrastructure in Europe and is also keen to develop in conjunction with other Grid networks across other continents.
To achieve this, the EGEE project works alongside existing Grid networks and other Grid enabling projects in an attempt to bring all the potential resource under a single umbrella.
As new sites join up the capacity of the Grid infrastructure expands, which in turn enables more complicated and data intensive operations to be carried out on that infrastructure; as the infrastructure expands and its capacity for data processing increases, more and more sites will want to be a part of it.
Therefore, the main benefit of being a member of the EGEE Grid Network is that it will have the largest and most widespread data storage and processing capability in Europe.
Extensive User Support and Application Development
Approximately 8000 CPU's from across the EU are now providing processing power to the EGEE Grid for the particular needs of the various application areas and it is currently providing around 8 Terabytes of storage capacity.
The Grid's Middleware is being developed to cater for the various application types as they come online. As the knowledge base increases as does the potential for development of bespoke software solutions to support new application areas.
There is a good chance that a software solution has already been developed for your needs, if not one can be engineered to suit.