Gridka School 2006Following the success of the previous events, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe will again run its annual GridKa School in 2006, 11-15 September 2006. Now in its fourth year, Grida School is a computing school covering topics related to Scientific Grid Computing. Grida School is targetted at postdocs, advanced undergraduate and graduate students of different scientific disciplines.Sponsors of the event include IBM and Microsoft. Grida School 2006 Agenda highlights include: Day 1: Monday 11 September 2006 An overview of Grid Computing; Technical Requirements: Security, Components and Networks; Key Application Scenarios; Grid Business Models (Industrie-Forum); Visit to GridKa. Day 2: Tuesday 12 September 2006 Motto - How it can be used; An introductory overview to GT4; An introductory overview to Unicore; EGEE + the gLite Toolkit: An introductory overview; Virtualisation and Grid Computing: Procedures and Usage Scenarios; GT4: Installation: Gridifying the Campus gLite: Usage (Community Track). Day 3: Wednesday, September 13 gLite: Installation GT4: Usage (Community Track); gLite: Installation; Unicore: Usage (Community Track) Day 4: Thursday, September 14 Industry Plenary 1 - Grid is relying on the real world - Ulrich Biewer / IBM; Industry Plenary 2 - Sandro Cambruzzi / Microsoft; ROOT/PROOF/xrootd demo session - BioMed Community Specific Talk; AstroGrid-D Community Specific Talk; gLite Application Developers Course Demo 1: NorduGrid; Demo 2: AliEN2/PandaGrid; Demo 3: Wisent; gLite Application Developers Course; Demo 4: GridMathematika; Demo 5: TextGrid; Int.Eu.Grid Day 5: Friday, September 15 Motto: future perspectives; Testing the Grid – Service and Data Challenges; Building the German Grid: D-Grid; Standardisation, Future Trends and Outlook. The event will conclude with a Closing Session & Handout of Participation Certificates. For more information and to register for Gridka School 2006, please refer to |
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