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Home > News > EGEE Industry Forum Co-hosts Enterprise Workshops at OGF20, 9 May 2007, Manchester, UK

EGEE Industry Forum Co-hosts Enterprise Workshops at OGF20, 9 May 2007, Manchester, UK

The EGEE Industry Forum has announced that it is to co-host four workshops on enterprise requirements within OGF20. The workshops will examine issues common to a number of industry groups: autos & aerospace, financial services and pharmaceuticals. The Workshops conclude with a cross-industry requirement discussion bringing together individual firms from these sectors.

Co-hosted by the Enterprise Grid Requirements (EGR) Working Group, the Enterprise Area of Open Grid Forum (OGF) and EGEE Industry Forum, these workshops will address some of the main generic issues indivisual firms face when operating clusters and Grids.

The workshops provide a chance for these firms to understand and discuss these issues in a forum that includes experts on Grids and cluster computing, data management and storage.

The workshops take place on 9 May and focus on:
- Pharma, Biotech & Life Science Use of Grids: Enterprise Requirements, 10.30am-12.00pm;
- Auto & Aerospace Firms' Use of Grids: Enterprise Requirements, 2.00-3.30pm;
- Financial Services Requirements, 4.00-5.30pm

The Cross-Industry Requirement Discussion takes place at 6.00-7.30pm and offers firms the chance to review the findings in specific workshops and to see if there are  common issues, solutions or best practices across industries.

This workshop aims to identify a series of best practices that will contribute to a more detailed discussion of the priorities that the Open Grid Forum should take in its work on standards for Grid computing.

If you are interested in any of these issues, please attend the workshops.
Reminder that the deadline for saving up to $100 on OGF20/EGEE USer Forum is 27 April 2007.

For more information on the workshops, the EGEE Industry Forum and its Steering Committee, contact (please remove NOSPAM from the address).

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