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OMII-Europe training courses

Two courses on Grid Middleware for Research Communities and Grid Portals Development are being organised by OMII-Europe in Edinburgh from 11-13 July.

This course begins with a morning of talks to introduce concepts, middleware and associated standards. It then gives hands-on introductions to three of the most prominent middleware platforms - gLite, Globus and UNICORE. The final session explores the OMII-Europe initiatives towards interoperable components.

The course will interest researchers seeking to gain a broad overview of grid computing and the production infrastructures.

The course will provide an introduction to developing grid portals with the GridSphere Portal Framework; the Sportlets Toolkit, a Java component-oriented framework for developing Web 2.0 user interfaces; and the Vine Toolkit, a framework for developing Grid-enabled applications.
The course includes practical experience in using these tools and a preview of the OMII-Europe Gateway, scheduled for release in September 2007.

About OMII-Europe
is an EU-funded project which has been established to provide software components that can interoperate across several heterogeneous Grid middleware platforms including Globus, gLite and UNICORE.

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