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Egee Partner: Computing Centre, Academia Sinica Taipei


Abbreviation: ASCC

Activity : NA3, NA4, SA1, JRA1

Country: Taiwan

Federation :

Web Portal : http://www.ascc.net/

Contracting Partner : no


ASCC is one of the major high performance computing and communication centers in China (Taipei), which provides service and support for academic and administrative computing at Academia Sinica and its collaborating institutes. ASCC is the major Grid application development center in China (Taipei) and support other institute in application areas(EGEE-NA4), also acting as the HEP-LCG Regional Center since 2003, and running Grid Operation Center (GOC) and GGUS from 2004 (ROC and OMC in EGEE-SA1). ASCC is working closely with CERN in exploring new applications of GRID technology and collaborating with EGEE midddleware development in EGEE-JRA1 (i.e. ARDA activity) as well as conducting experiment data and computing production such as in the ALICE/CMS/ATLAS Data Challenges. Moreover, ASCC delivers Grid-related training courses and symposium every year since 2002 (potentially interesting for EGEE NA2 and NA3). ASCC is also in charge one of the major research network (ASNet) in China (Taipei), and now have a 2.4Gbps like to Amsterdam. ASCC would like to cooperate with TANet (Taiwan Academic Network), to participate and contribute to the Network Resource Provision (EGEE-SA2) and Network Service Development (including Ipv6 infrastructure and applications) (EGEE-JRA4).

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2nd EchoGRID Strategic Workshop, 29-30 October 2007, Beijing, China: Towards a Shared EU & Chinese Vision for Grid Research Perspectives

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