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Home > PARTNERS > Universidad de Zaragoza Instituto de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos, Zaragoza, Spain

Egee Partner: Universidad de Zaragoza Instituto de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos, Zaragoza, Spain

Number: 77

Abbreviation: UNIZAR

Activity : NA1, NA4

Country: Spain

Federation : South-West Europe including Portugal and Spain

Web Portal : http://bifi.unizar.es/

Contracting Partner : yes


The Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) is a research institute of the
University of Zaragoza. BIFI members come from the University of Zaragoza but also from other
research centres from the rest of the world. The aim of the institute is to produce a competitive
research in the areas biocomputation and Physics of Complex systems, with special focus on the
technology transfer to the society. The computing activities of BIFI are developed on Beowulf
clusters and special purpose computers

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