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Home > PARTNERS > Centre of Scientific Computing, Espoo, Finland

Egee Partner: Centre of Scientific Computing, Espoo, Finland

Number: 6

Abbreviation: CSC

Activity : NA1, NA4, SA1

Country: Finland

Federation : Northern Europe

Web Portal : http//www.csc.fi

Contracting Partner : yes


CSC is non-profit limited company funded by Finnish Ministry of Education employing some 140 scientists and engineers. In addition to being the sole Supercomputing Centre in Finland, CSC operates also FUNET, the NREN connecting to NORDUNET. As its main activity CSC serves many scientific user groups. CSC is coordinating the first major Finnish Grid research infrastructure. CSC is takes part in DEISA, ENACTS, EMBRACE. Furthermore CSC will provide a distributed data analysis solutions for handling extensive astronomical data to European Southern Observatory (ESO).

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