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Home > PARTNERS > DATAMAT S.p.A., Roma, Italy

Egee Partner: DATAMAT S.p.A., Roma, Italy

Number: 30

Abbreviation: DATAMAT

Activity : NA1, JRA1

Country: Italy

Federation : Italy

Web Portal : http://www.datamat.it

Contracting Partner : yes


DATAMAT Among Italian ICT industry leaders, developing and providing software applications, internet solutions, ICT and online services for vertical market segments. Involved in Grid projects spanning from application requirements and related prototyping activities (ESA SpaceGrid and THE VOICE) to middleware implementation and re-engineering (EU DataGrid, EU CrossGrid, EGEE) to design and prototyping/development of next generation Grid middleware and services (NextGRID, AKoGriMo). EGEE-II role: Participation to JRA1 – Middleware Reengineering. Participation to Grid Services task on the following topics: Workload Management, Workflow (leadership), Grid Economies, Participation to Management task, in the frame of the Italian Cluster.

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