Number: 51
Abbreviation: GRNET
Activity : NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, SA1, SA2, SA3
Country: Greece
Federation : South-East Europe
Web Portal :
Contracting Partner : yes
Leading the Greek National Grid Initiative, HellasGrid, operating the HellasGrid infrastructure with 6 clusters (~800 CPUs) and storage centres, plus the central storage area network, as well as the National Research and Education backbone network and services. Leading institute in the Research Infrastructure area with participation in many EC projects such as GN1-GN2, EGEE, SEE-GRID, GRIDCC, etc. Operating the HellasGrid JRU through which HellasGrid Third Parties participate in the project. SA1: Overall management and coordination of the distributed Regional Operation Centre of the South East Europe federation. Responsible for coordination of middleware deployment and support in the region, oversight of operational problems, contribution to security coordination. Responsible for resource induction, operation and user support in Greece. Cooperation with other countries in the federation in running the ROC, and with the OCC centrally. SA2: EGEE member participating in network services definition and provisioning, SLA definitions, the TNLC and link partner with the GEANT community and corresponding activities (as an NREN). EGEE-II, SA2 involvement concerns contributions to the EGEE-II Network Operation Centre, SLA application, monitoring and management, introduction of new services from GN2 and work on TNLC open issues. SA3: Operating a branch of the certification test bed. NA2: Lead the NA2 activities in Greece, responsible for dissemination, public relations, translation of NA2 material into Greek, promotion to new user communities, and other NA2 related activities NA3: Proving the central point of contact in SEE through the Federation training manager. Delivery of training in Greece. Contributions to training material and course development. Interaction with the other SEE and central partners for feedback and improvements. NA4: Support for local user communities and applications in Greece, with the focus on Earth Science and biomedicine applications. NA5: Main partner in the EGEE NA5 Activity coordinating the whitepapers and related activities. Has been one of the initiators of eIRG and followed the process from the beginning. NA5 Activity leader, coordinating the eIRG efforts and linking with other regional efforts such as SEE-GRID/SEE-GRID2, EUMEDGRID, EUChinaGrid and eIRG Support Programme projects. Also playing a key role in the preparation for the next phage of EGEE in FP7.