Number: 31
Abbreviation: INFN
Activity : NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, SA1, SA3, JRA1
Country: Italy
Federation : Italy
Web Portal :
Contracting Partner : yes
INFN, a large Italian public research institution, promotes co-ordinates and funds nuclear and highenergy physics research in Italy. INFN has a long experience in distributed computing: started several years ago running a Condor pool covering 20 sites all over Italy and, more recently, running the Italian production Grid. The experience has been achieved participating in FP5 European projects and national/international projects : EU DataGrid, EU DataTAG and GLUE activities: Has also e coordination role in several in-going national and international Grid projects (LHC Computing Grid, CoreGrid, GridCC) as well in national ones (, LIBI)
EGEE-II roles: NA2: coordination with NA2 lead partner part of the Italian federation. NA3: Training and dissemination exploiting the possibility offered by the GIILDA test bed. NA4: Lead partner for generic applications interface, Generic applications support: express line for new applications porting to the Grid using the GILDA test bed (virtuous cycle). HEP/Pilot applications collaboration in validation and usage of the large scale production Grid NA5: e-Infrastructure reflection group participation. SA1: Overall responsibility for EGEE-II ROCs coordination and Grid operation, support, and deployment management in Italy. Support for the main Virtual organizations, collaboration in the activity management and operation of the overall production Grid, running Grid and monitoring services on Vo behalf. SA3: participation to the middleware integration, testing and certification and support JRA1: middleware re-engineering research Activity lead partner. Resource access, accounting and Brokering and security middleware research activities responsibility.