Egee Partner: Vetenskapsradet, Stockholm, Sweden
Number: 40
Abbreviation: VR
Activity : NA1, NA4, NA5, SA1
Country: Sweden
Federation : Northern Europe
Web Portal :
Contracting Partner : yes
Vetenskapsrådet is hosting the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), which is a
metacentre for high performance computing. The SNIC task is to coordinate and develop and operate
high end computing resources for Swedish research. Networks, data storage, computers, visualization
equipment and Grid technologies are combined to create a simplified, unified and transparent access
to HPC resources.
Through affiliation contracts the 6 major HPC centres in Sweden have joined SNIC. The SNIC
member centres are serving academic as well as commercial users and have proven track records in
HPC related development areas such as construction and operation of large scale PC-clusters and
storage systems, Middleware for GRID Security and Portals for HPC systems. SNIC is also hosting
the SweGrid production test bed consisting of 6 100 node PC-clusters with large scale storage
facilities. The SweGrid nodes are connected through the Swedish University Network Backbone
(SUNET), which is currently operating at 10 Gbit/s. SweGrid is providing resources to LCG and
SNICs Role in EGEE-II: SA1: Hosting the Northern Regional Operations Centre
NA4: Interfacing to the LOIS project in the area of astrophysics
NA5: Contributions to the e-IRG white paper