EGEE Discussion Forum

Non Contracting Partners

Here you will find a searchable list of the entities which are contributing to the EGEE project but are not signatory of the contract.

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 Name   Abbreviation   Activity   Country   Web portal 
Institute of Physics, Academia SINICA TAIPEI IPAS NA3; NA4; SA1; JRA1; Taiwan
Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica, ROME, ITALY INAF NA4; Italy
Linköping University -National Supercomputer Centre, Linköping,Sweden LiU Sweden
Lund Center for Computational Science, Lund University, Sweden LUNARC Sweden
Molecular Imaging and Multimodality, France IM3 France
National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos,Athens, Greece DEMOKRITOS NA4; Greece
National Institute for Aerospace Research Bucharest Romania INCAS Romania
National Observatory of Athens,Athens, Greece NOA NA2; NA3; NA4; Greece
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece NTUA Greece
National Yang-Ming University ,Taipei NYMU NA3; NA4; Taiwan
NICE srl, Cortanze, Italy NICE Italy
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway NTNU Norway
Open University of Israel, Raanana, Israel OU Israel
Openlab for DataGrid Applications OPENL AB
Politecnico Di Bari, Bari, Italy POLIBA JRA1; Italy

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Registration is now open for the third EGEE User Forum to be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France on 11-14 February, 2008!

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