Number: 2
Abbreviation: JKU
Activity : NA2, NA4, NA5, SA1
Country: Austria
Federation : Central Europe
Web Portal :
Contracting Partner : yes
Major Austrian academic HPC and networking centre, main AustrianGrid Computing and Support Centre, and main EGEE-II operator for the eastern part of Austria, comprised by EGEE senior member and AFC representative for Central Europe GUP, leader and coordinator of the Austrian Grid with strong expertise in Grid computing, and new partner RISC, with excellence in doing symbolic computation, parallel and distributed algorithms and software systems for computer mathematics and development of a Grid variant of the simulation backend of a medical software system for virtual eye surgery in cooperation with a medical partner. SA1: Local support centre for Austria, regional and national Grid project coordination, and interface to CE ROC. Integration with Austrian Grid middleware, participation in the CE Certification test bed, regional certification of middleware releases, site admin training in region. NA2: Dissemination, translation and material localization for Austria. Presentation of localized webpage for EGEE-II. Outreach to potential industrial user communities. NA3: Training prospective users of Grid Technologies through university level and dedicated courses to and in combination with the AustrianGrid community NA4: Contribution to biomedicine and generic Grid user communities in Austria, outreach to new EGEE-II communities NA5: Contributions to the eIRG policy and strategic documents, responsible partner for eIRG in 1H/2006. Remark: JKU (in cooperation with UIBK) intend to establish a JRU for Austrian Grid in the course of EGEE-II.