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Home > PARTNERS > Office for National Information and Infrastructure Development, Budapest Hungary

Egee Partner: Office for National Information and Infrastructure Development, Budapest Hungary

Number: 9

Abbreviation: NIIF

Activity : NA5, SA1

Country: Hungary

Federation : Central Europe

Web Portal :

Contracting Partner : yes


NIIF NIIF/HUNGARNET as the Hungarian national compute data network service provider provides both high-quality compute network facilities as well as supercomputing and Grid facilities to the Hungarian academic community. 1500-node national Grid and also the 272-node supercomputer cluster are two of the key compute and data storage infrastructure elements provided by NIIF. NIIF had been centre of excellence of industrial partner SUN Microsystems in 2004. SA1: middleware testing and certification, deployment and support, Grid security and incidence response, Grid interoperability (provide transparent interface between EGEE-II and national ClusterGrid and NorduGrid ARC) NA5: coordination with e-IRG (making a step toward a fully integrated Infrastructure).

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