EGEE Discussion Forum


EGEE Partners are those people and institutions that are currently using the Grid or providing a computational resource to it in the next two years of the project.

The EGEE project consists of two-types of partners: contracting and non-contracting partners.
EGEE contracting partners have signed the EGEE contract and receive contributions from the EU, whereas non-contracting partners do not receive any EU contributions but are interested in the programme of work and participate in some EGEE activities.
EGEE partners also include the people and organisations from many different fields, and together help realise the EGEE project.

Below is a searchable list of EGEE contracting partners for the second two years phase the EGEE project. A list of non-Contracting Partners who have signed a Memorandum of Understanding is available here

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 #  Name   Abbreviation   Activity   Country   Federation   Web portal 
31 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Frascati (Roma), Italy INFN NA1; NA2; NA3; NA4; NA5; SA1; SA3; JRA1; Italy Italy
32 SWITCH – Telematikdienste für Lehre und Forschung Zurich, Switzerland SWITCH JRA1; Switzerland Germany and Switzerland
33 Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium ULB NA1; NA2; NA3; NA4; Belgium Northern Europe
34 University of Copenhagen, Denmark UKBH NA1; NA3; SA1; SA3; Denmark Northern Europe
35 UH.HIP, Helsinki, Finland UH-HIP University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics UH HIP NA1; JRA1; Finland Northern Europe
36 FOM/NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Netherlands FOM NIKHEF SA1; JRA1; Netherlands Northern Europe
37 SARA, Amsterdam, Netherlands SARA NA1; NA4; SA1; Netherlands Northern Europe
38 UvA, Amsterdam, Netherlands UvA NA1; JRA1; Netherlands Northern Europe
39 UiB, Bergen, Norway UiB The University of Bergen UiB NA1; NA3; NA4; JRA1; Norway Northern Europe
40 Vetenskapsradet, Stockholm, Sweden VR NA1; NA4; NA5; SA1; Sweden Northern Europe
41 Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia IHEP NA3; SA1; Russian Federation Russia
42 Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia IMPB RAS SA1; Russian Federation Russia
43 Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia ITEP SA1; Russian Federation Russia
44 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia JINR NA2; SA1; Russian Federation Russia
45 Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia KIAM RAS SA1; Russian Federation Russia

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Registration is now open for the third EGEE User Forum to be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France on 11-14 February, 2008!

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